Prof. Frithjof Bergmann - spiritual father of the New Work movement

Published on: Feb 16, 2022Entrepreneurship Summit
Entrepreneurship Campus

By Entrepreneurship Campus

Frithjof Bergmann Seitenprofil

Prof. Frithjof Bergmann was a professor of philosophy and anthropology. As early as the 1980s, he called for a radical change in the world of work. He considered wage labor to be a system that made people ill and advocated a new work culture. It's about freedom, self-determination and the creation of meaning.

In enorm's digital magazine, you can find an interview with Prof. Bergmann, in which he talked about his New Work approach: "It comes down to doing work that you are proud of, that has a meaning. There are exceptional people who do work in the same way, even in gainful employment. In today's society, that is the exception. Most people experience their gainful employment as a mild illness, as something you survive. After all, it's already Wednesday, I can just about hold out until Friday. It's bad when people don't see any meaning in their work."

In 2009, Frithjof Bergmann was also a guest at the Entrepreneurship Summit. We share the recordings of his inspiring keynote on "New Work" and "the mild disease of wage labor" with you here:

Audio recording of Prof. Bergmann's keynote at the Entrepreneurship Summit 2009 - Part 1

Part 1

Audiomitschnitt Prof. Bergmanns Kenote auf dem Entrepreneurship Summit 2009 - Teil 2

Part 2

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