Discrimination in Entrepreneurship and What You Can Do to Help Combat It
Although the number of minority-owned businesses grows every year, there is still a disparity when it comes to minority entrepreneurs...
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by Günter Faltin (excerpt from "David versus Goliath" )
"Everyone is an artist". With this famous sentence, Joseph Beuys did not mean that everyone can paint a picture of the quality of a Rembrandt, but that every person is unique in their own way and against their background, in their experiences as well as in their thinking. We all have the gift of curiosity and see things differently than others. Therefore, every human being carries a creative impulse within himself. And so the composition of one's own life becomes a "work of art". Beuys' formula "Art = capital" sees in the creative abilities of people the decisive capital for the successful shaping of their life.
Economy as the most beautiful of all arts: creative design that suits the place, time and person and opens up a sustainable, lasting economic perspective. Bringing an idea child into the world. One that is not only the pride of parents, but can be useful to society and that attracts attention with good and cheap products. And last but not least, a way that does not exacerbate existing problems, but rather contributes to new and better solutions through broader participation in entrepreneurial ways.
So let's ask how we can contribute our talents and skills, but also how we can recognize and use potential that we are not aware of. Creative power is not a privilege for a few. We are all creative, even as children. Therefore, in the next chapter, let's look at the topic of innovation and disenchant the term a little.
Let's first ask what contribution we all , not just a few specialists, can make when it comes to innovation.
The media reports on the winners , giving them the most attention. But the logic of many Internet business models favors a "winner gets all". The largest platform on the market is the most attractive for customers. It makes almost no sense to go to the smaller competitors. Therefore, the logic inherent in such business models is to achieve the largest market share in the shortest possible time.
At a time when it is the stars who command the most attention and admiration, those who have ventured out creatively and enthusiastically and yet missed or even come within reach of the podium are easily overlooked. However, they are the ones that represent an effective ferment and the fermentation yeast of the system and are therefore also a prerequisite and guarantor of development. Just as there would be fewer top performances without fitness awareness, without mass sport.
This also applies in the field of art. It is recognized that artists, even if they do not become famous, make an important cultural contribution to society.
Therefore, a dissenting voice is needed that, as in sport or art, does not speak up for a one-sided promotion of top performance - especially not when almost only a single discipline is promoted. In entrepreneurship, this is the high-tech area. Intelligent funding looks different. It takes all three dimensions into account: peak, width and depth. Promotes an understanding of entrepreneurship as something obvious. That we should take “doing something”, for ourselves and others, as more natural than before.
The same applies to a culture of entrepreneurship: let many flowers bloom. It's diversity that creates innovation . It is no different in nature. Diversity means that the ability to adapt to changing conditions increases, that new combinations and new ways are found through trial and error.
For example, the idea of freeing founders from bureaucracy in the early years.
Diversity is an essential pillar of the great transformation. Without them there can be no progress and no innovation. In order to think holistically about a major transformation, the active inclusion of marginalized groups must be promoted and pursued vigorously - politics can and must set an example and also set the course for the economy.
At the Entrepreneurship Summit 2020 - from October 9th to 11th in digital form for the first time - Prof. Reza Asghari reveals how politics can build self-developing start-up structures and how you can contribute as a founder. The Entrepreneurship Summit always thrives on the participation and commitment of its diverse participants.
Although the number of minority-owned businesses grows every year, there is still a disparity when it comes to minority entrepreneurs...
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