One of the main pillars of the Sustainable Development Goals is the pledge to leave no one behind. While it was the members’ states that have adopted the 2030 Agenda and committed to achieving it, everyone can take action and make an impact.
The United Nations have even made a guide for the lazy ones (see at the end of the article), so they can give a contribution to a better world. From the sofa superstar to the exceptional employee, this guide shows that small actions can have a big impact. Moreover, it confirms that when something is seen under the right perspective, there is a way to make it useful i. e. air dry. Let your hair dry naturally instead of using the hairdryer.
When something is seen from a different point of view it can be beneficial.
This sounds similar to one of our online training lessons, which teaches how to see solutions and opportunities in places or situations where others see a problem. Afterward, this approach can be used to think about entrepreneurial ideas or concepts that could help to solve a frustrating problem in a sustainable way.
Differently, from the UN’s guide for the lazy, entrepreneurship feeds on ongoing hard work, and innovative thinking. The latter can result in innovative and sustainable solutions based on existing knowledge, but implemented in an improved way.
People on poor and developing countries don’t have the financial resources, knowledge, or the time to invest in an innovative idea the same way as those living in high-income economies. Therefore, they need to adapt to every solution based on their knowledge, resources, and contexts.
The members of the Entrepreneurship Campus, especially youth have a huge role in promoting and building a culture of innovation in their communities.
The best aspect of sustainable innovation is that it can be applied in every sector, including agriculture, education, the environment, tourism, etc. You can start with the most frustrating problem in your area. Find out what is the SDG related to that specific issue and search in our competition or in the previous editions of the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition for a solution related to that specific SDG in your area.
You can take online training and join our competitions with an idea or project. The members of the Entrepreneurship Campus that join our competitions get a taste of the entrepreneurial life and find out if they are cut for entrepreneurship.
The Lazy Person's Guide to Saving the World