This Entrepreneur Is the First Black Woman to Travel to Every Country

Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

This Entrepreneur Is the First Black Woman to Travel to Every Country

Entrepreneurship and travel have a lot in common, they’re both journeys that might start alone but bring personal and professional growth while empowering others.

Here’s one woman’s story that will make live an inspired life. Jessica Nabongo is a traveler, writer, and entrepreneur who also happens to be the first black woman to have visited every country in the world.

Being a woman entrepreneur that lives a life of travel and entrepreneurship while educating and inspiring others to do the same, sound like the story that anybody would love to hear.
Jessica created a business out of her love of travel, self-discovery, and doing things that bring joy while living on her terms. Her life adventure around the world also highlights how kindness and openness towards other people or different experiences link into a growth mindset.

What people can learn from Jessica's stories is that pushing boundaries and getting out of the comfort zone can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying life.
The experience of this inspiring woman teaches how to break free of the status quo and live an extraordinary life, especially for girls and young women, and how to use all the knowledge gained from trawling the world for entrepreneurial ideas.

Check out her website The Catch Me if You Can for great information and tips on responsible travel and new experiences.
Travel is important because, besides the pleasure of exploring new places and having fun, it is educational. At the same time, it can enlighten aspiring entrepreneurs with various business ideas. Hence a great thing to do would be to make travel easier, safer, and accessible for everyone.
However, with many travel restrictions in place and closed borders, you can still focus on making your communities safer and more resilient through innovative and educational ideas. Take the free Online Training  by the Entrepreneurship Campus and gain the necessary knowledge to develop a business idea or project. If you feel challenged you can submit your idea or project to the 2020 Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition.

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